そう、firefoxで、画像が完全にロードしていないにもかかわらず、loadメソッドがコールされてしまうときがあり、それに対する回答が、I recently did a small jQuery snippet that allows me to show a loading img until the real image is loaded.
via:Jquery img preload not working in FireFox
The snippet seems to work in Safari, Chrome but not FireFox.
で、どうやら、プラグインを使うことで解消されるそうなのだが、果たしてどうなのだろうか?It is possible that the load event will not be triggered if the image is loaded from the browser cache. To account for this possibility, we can use a special load event that fires immediately if the image is ready. event.special.load is currently available as a plugin.
via:Jquery img preload not working in FireFox
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