
[Google App Engine][iOS]ver1.7.7からPushNotificationがサポートに

ずーっと、Add Support for Apple Push Notification Serviceのスレッドを見ながら、いつだろ、いつだろと期待しておりました。


Outbound sockets moved to Preview
Outbound sockets is now in preview in this release for Java and Python. With outbound sockets, billing-enabled App Engine applications can now make outbound connections with TCP or UDP sockets. This allows developers to build applications that weren’t previously possible on App Engine, such as IMAP or DNS clients.

In the Python runtime, we’ve added support for the Python SSL Library, so you can now open secure connections to remote services such as Apple’s Push Notification service. Similarly, Java developers can now use the javax.net.ssl package to make outbound SSL connections.

via:App Engine 1.7.7 Released

やりましたー。これで今、リリースしているiOSアプリにPush Notificationを実装することができるぞと。


#136 mai.musi...@gmail.com
Perhaps,from version 1.7.7,Can I connect to the Apple Push Notification service ?

Project Member #137 iw...@google.com
1.7.7 supports sockets and SSL with client certificates in Python/Java/Go, so this is now possible.

via:Add Support for Apple Push Notification Service

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