どうやらもはやGoogle Site上でGoogle AdSenseが利用できなくなるかもしれない。
一時はGoogle Site結構使っていたけど、最近は、ピタリと使わなくなったからたいしたことないと言えば、ないんだけど。Starting August 30th 2013, it will no longer be possible to modify AdSense ad code on Google Sites pages. However, any ads you’ve previously placed on Google Sites will continue to show, and you’ll be credited for all valid earnings.
via:Changes to AdSense on Google Sites
No change is required on the part of AdSense users. Any ads that you currently have running will not be altered or removed, though you’ll be free to delete ads yourself. However, it will no longer be possible to edit or add new AdSense ads to your existing Google Sites site or to new pages.
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