ちょこちょこ作り続けているGoogle App EngineのPythonでAmazon Product Advertising APIをコールするクラスですが、itemsearchとitemlookupで同じ処理が2回呼ばれている部分があり保守性が悪かったので下記のようにリファクタリングしました。
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright 2007 Google Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # from urlparse import urlparse from google.appengine.api import urlfetch from lxml import etree import os import urllib import datetime import hashlib import base64 import logging import hmac import xmltodict class AmazonProductAdvertisingAPI(object): def __init__(self,access_key_id,secret_access_key,associate_tag = None,locale = "US"): self._access_key_id = access_key_id self._secret_access_key = secret_access_key self._associate_tag = associate_tag self._validate_certificate = True _environ = os.environ _http_host = _environ["HTTP_HOST"] if _http_host.find("localhost") > -1: self._validate_certificate = False _wsgi_url_scheme = _environ["wsgi.url_scheme"] self._endpoint = { "JP":_wsgi_url_scheme + "://webservices.amazon.co.jp/onca/xml", "US":_wsgi_url_scheme + "://webservices.amazon.com/onca/xml", "FR":_wsgi_url_scheme + "://webservices.amazon.fr/onca/xml", "IN":_wsgi_url_scheme + "://webservices.amazon.in/onca/xml", "IT":_wsgi_url_scheme + "://webservices.amazon.it/onca/xml", "UK":_wsgi_url_scheme + "://webservices.amazon.co.uk/onca/xml" } if self._endpoint.has_key(locale): self._product_advertising_url = self._endpoint[locale] else: self._product_advertising_url = self._endpoint["US"] self._service = "AWSECommerceService" #self._method = "" #self._prms = {} #タイムスタンプを設定 def _timestamp(self,prms): prms["Timestamp"] = datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") #URLエンコード def _urlencode_rfc3986(self,s): _s = urllib.quote(s) _s = _s.replace("%7E", "~") return _s #アクセストークン用の文字列作成 def _canonical_string(self,prms): _keys = sorted(prms) _canonical_string = "" for _k in _keys: _canonical_string = _canonical_string + "&" + self._urlencode_rfc3986(_k) + "=" + self._urlencode_rfc3986(prms[_k]) else: _canonical_string = _canonical_string[1:] return _canonical_string #問い合わせURLの作成 def _request_url(self,prms,method): _url_info = urlparse(self._product_advertising_url) _canonical_string = self._canonical_string(prms) _signature = method + "\n" + _url_info.hostname + "\n" + _url_info.path +"\n" + _canonical_string _signature = hmac.new(self._secret_access_key, _signature, hashlib.sha256).digest() _signature = base64.b64encode(_signature) _url = self._product_advertising_url + "?" + _canonical_string + "&Signature=" + self._urlencode_rfc3986(_signature) return _url #itemsearch def itemsearch(self,searchindex,browsenode=None,availability="Available",responsegroup="Small",itempage=1,keywords=None,minimumprice=None,maximumprice=None,isremoveadult=True,sort=None): _prms = {} _prms["Service"] = self._service _prms["AWSAccessKeyId"] = self._access_key_id if self._associate_tag is not None: _prms["AssociateTag"] = self._associate_tag _prms["Operation"] = "ItemSearch" self._timestamp(_prms) if availability is None: return None for i in ["Available"]: if i == availability: _prms["Availability"] = availability break else: return None if searchindex is None: return None if searchindex == u"": return None _prms["SearchIndex"] = searchindex if responsegroup is None: return None if responsegroup == "": return None _prms["ResponseGroup"] = responsegroup if browsenode is not None: _prms["BrowseNode"] = browsenode if itempage is not None: _prms["ItemPage"] = str(itempage) if keywords is not None: #logging.info() if isinstance(keywords,unicode): #logging.info(keywords) _prms["Keywords"] = keywords.encode('utf-8') else: _prms["Keywords"] = keywords #_prms["Keywords"] = keywords if maximumprice is not None: _prms["MaximumPrice"] = str(maximumprice) if minimumprice is not None: _prms["MinimumPrice"] = str(minimumprice) if sort is not None: _prms["Sort"] = sort _url = self._request_url(_prms,"GET") #logging.info(_url) _result = self._request(_url) return _result #itemlookup def itemlookup(self,asin,responsegroup="Small"): _prms = {} _prms["Service"] = self._service _prms["AWSAccessKeyId"] = self._access_key_id if self._associate_tag is not None: _prms["AssociateTag"] = self._associate_tag _prms["Operation"] = "ItemLookup" self._timestamp(_prms) if asin is None: return None if asin == "": return None _prms["ItemId"] = asin if responsegroup is None: return None if responsegroup == "": return None _prms["ResponseGroup"] = responsegroup _url = self._request_url(_prms,"GET") _result = self._request(_url) return _result def _request(self,url): try: _result = urlfetch.fetch(url,validate_certificate = self._validate_certificate) _status_code = _result.status_code #logging.info(_status_code) if _status_code == 200: _content = _result.content _root = etree.fromstring(_content) _ns = _root.xpath('namespace-uri(.)') _namespace = {"ns":_ns} _errorTags = _root.findall('.//ns:Error',namespaces=_namespace) #logging.info(_content) if len(_errorTags) > 0: _errorTag = _errorTags[0] _code = _errorTag.findall('.//ns:Code',namespaces=_namespace) _message = _errorTag.findall('.//ns:Message',namespaces=_namespace) logging.error(u"code: " + _code[0].text + " message: " + _message[0].text) else: return _root else: logging.error(u"status code: " + str(_status_code) + " content:" + _content) except urlfetch.DeadlineExceededError: logging.error(u"urlfetch DeadlineExceededError") except urlfetch.ResponseTooLargeError, response: logging.error(u"urlfetch ResponseTooLargeError" + response) except urlfetch.InternalTransientError: logging.error(u"urlfetch InternalTransientError") except urlfetch.InvalidURLError: logging.error(u"urlfetch InvalidURLError") except urlfetch.Error: logging.error(u"urlfetch Error") return None
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